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《從「重力波」,談「意念重力場」》中翻英譯者:HHC 《On “Gravitational Fields of Thoughts”——Starting From “Gravitational Waves”》 ⋯⋯ 2017年,舉世最重大的新聞之一,就是美國的科學家團隊,以實驗證實了愛因斯坦推論的重力波的存在。因為新聞報導只是從天文研究的觀點去談重力波,所以很多人認為離自己很遙遠,對實際生活沒有幫助。其實,透過重力波的證實,人類將逐步揭開這個世界更深的運作奧秘,因而懂得該如何創造自己的命運,這不是非常重要嗎? One of the global sensations in 2017 was that a team of scientists in America had detected gravitational waves by experiments, confirming Einstein’s theory. The gravitational waves were reported only from the perspective of astronomical research; therefore, many people find them distant and unhelpful in real life. In fact, through the proof of gravitational waves, humans will gradually uncover the deeper workings of the world and accordingly understand how to create their own destiny, which is very important, isn’t it?

為何這麼說呢?因為意念其實也會形成重力場(也就是造成時空的扭曲)。現在科學家終於有能力測量到重力波的存在了,那麼以後便有可能測量到,意念與意念的互動之間,也能產生重力波,那麼他們將觀察到靈性領域裡一直在談的:在物質世界背後,意念的力量如何運作。 Why is it so? The reason is that thoughts form gravitational fields as well (that is, thoughts cause the curvature of space-time). Now scientists are finally able to detect the presence of gravitational waves. Then, in the future it is possible to detect the gravitational waves that are created between exchanges of thoughts. Thus, they will observe what spiritual circles have been buzzing——how thoughts work behind the material world.

現在且讓我們繼續走在科學之前,通過高靈給予的訊息,來談談「意念重力場」。意念也會形成重力場,這就是所謂「心念的力量」。所以很多人聚在一起時,重力場就會增強,而重力場的特質之一,就是「有加速能力」,所以「因果」(原因與結果之間所需的時間)就會縮短;你只要記得一個原則,「愈緊密,因果就愈加速」,這與科學家觀察到,質量愈大的物體,重力場就愈大,是完全一樣的道理,而以後他們就會發現,這本來就是一樣的事情。所以,這也是為什麼在網路時代,大家更密切的交流和聯繫以後,會造成一種社會演化的「加速作用」,顛覆很多人對事件發生所需時間、以及規模的預期。例如很多事情以前要十年二十年的演變才會發生的效應,現在只要三、五年就會發生。網際網路的出現,造成了意念交流的密度被空前的提升,於是任何事情放上網路,網路就會展現出「因果的加速器」的特質。 With the messages given by the Spirit, now let’s keep moving ahead of science and elaborate the “gravitational fields of thoughts”. Thoughts also form gravitational fields, the so-called “Power of Mind”. Hence, when a crowd gathers, the gravitational field will be strengthened. One of the features of gravitational fields——the “ability to accelerate”——will shorten the time for “Cause & Effect” (the time required for causes to give fruits). You need to keep only one principle in mind——”the more close-together it is, the faster the Cause & Effect will be”——this is exactly the reasoning behind what scientists have observed——”the greater the masses, the larger the gravitational fields”. And they will discover later that these are inherently the same thing. Therefore, this is the reason why social evolutions accelerate in the internet era, when communication and contacts are increased to defy many people’s expectations of the scales as well as the time required for events. For example, the effects of things that would have taken 10-20 years to happen will now take place in only 3-5 years. The advent of the internet has resulted in an unprecedented growth in the density of thought exchanges, so the “acceleration of Cause & Effect” features in anything posted on the internet.

意念的力量真的很大,但很多人誤解了這句話,變成誇大了「自己的意念」對於萬事萬物的力量,這種狀況常見於心靈圈很具有浪漫情懷的人身上,例如: The “Power of Thoughts” is really great, which, however, is often misunderstood to exaggerate the “Power of One’s Own Thoughts” over everything——a situation common to those who are very romantic by nature in spiritual circles. For instance,

集眾人之力,去為一個人祝福,或為一件事祈福,到底有沒有用?如果要以結果而論的話,實際上,無論有多少人為一個人祝福,其影響力都比不上這個當事人能夠給自己祝福,因為他自己形成的重力場,對自己的影響是最直接而巨大的。如果一個人自己不能祝福自己,再多人的集氣,那個影響力都是微乎其微的。因此如果要集氣祝福,真正比較可能發揮出成效的作法,是真的要告訴對方、讓那個人充分的感受到眾人的心意,因為感受到很多人的心意,就比較有可能引發這個人願意去祝福自己、讓自己朝著光明的方向走(但也只是「比較可能」而已)。 Is it useful to bless a person or to pray for an event by putting our heads together? As far as the effects are concerned, the blessings given by, no matter how many people, in fact, are no match for those given by the person himself. The reason is that the gravitational field he creates has the most direct and tremendous impact on himself. If a person cannot bless himself, the influence of Qi-collection of, no matter how many people, will be infinitesimal. Consequently, for Qi-collecting and blessing to be an effective practice, it is a must to tell the person concerned and make him fully comprehend the kindness of others. With others’ kindness in mind, he is more likely to bless himself willingly and allow himself to move toward the direction of light (Note that it is only “more likely”).

因此當我們提到意念的力量,並想用意念的力量去改變外在的人事物時,你必須考慮一個因素:別人的意念也是存在的。 Therefore, when we talk about the Power of Thoughts, and want to use the Power of Thoughts to change external humans, matters and objects, we must consider one factor——the presence of others’ thoughts.

至於為地震或颱風這些事祈禱呢?不要認為只有人是有意識的,地球也是有意識的,地球相較於人類,其實是更大的靈(更新補充:就如同身體意識之於細胞意識),它也有它的運作模式,這運作模式也有它的需要和理由,你認為沒道理或不喜歡的,地球意識卻不會這樣去看,因此祈禱地震不發生或颱風轉向,人的意念的影響力其實也微乎其微。所以用人主觀的、一時一地的喜好去希望自然如何運作,不僅不會有效,也不是明智的。 How about praying against earthquakes or typhoons? Never think that only humans have consciousness; the Earth does, too. Compared with humans, the Earth is a greater soul, who also has her mode of operation along with her needs and reasoning. What you think to be unreasonable or distasteful may not be taken by the Earth consciousness that way. Accordingly, the influence of human minds over the non-occurrence of earthquakes or recurves of typhoons is infinitesimal. As a result, it is not only ineffective but also insensible to anticipate natural operations with human subjective views and temporary preferences.

有一個真正重要的重點,才是我們該關心的:當你在祈禱或祝福的時候,你影響的不是外界的人事物,真正產生最大影響的,是對你自己。也就是說,你的念力確實會影響人,但那個人就是你自己。接下來要講的東西,需要你細細地思考觀察:人真正的「念」,跟自己在「想」的,常常是剛好相反的。例如有的人看到別人發生災難了,頭腦裡想的是:「啊!但願他們安好、通過難關。」這似乎是出於愛,但他真正的「念」其實剛好相反,是出於恐懼,是聚焦在災難的恐怖感上的,它真正的內容是:「我好怕這發生在我身上,我不要這發生在我身上」,但是因為現實中自己確實沒有遭遇到,其實是有慶幸感的,於是「還好這不幸沒發生在我身上」的慶幸感又造成了內疚,頭腦就會趕忙將這種慶幸轉以「祝福」或「同情」的表達去取代,以避免內疚。 The name of the game is what we should be interested to know——When you are praying or blessing, what you affect is not the outside world; the real biggest impact will be on yourself. That is to say, your power of thoughts does affect people, and the affected is you yourself. What’s next requires your careful thoughts and observation—— “Thoughts” are often opposite to “thinking”. For example, someone sees others having disasters, thinking in his head, “Ah! May they do well and go through difficulties.” This appears to be out of love, but his real “thought” is exactly the opposite. His thought is out of fear, focusing on the sense of horror of disasters. Its true message is, “I’m so scared that this may happen to me. I do not want this to happen to me.” Since it does not happen to him in reality, he is in fact gratified to have been favored by luck. Such gratification of the fact that “fortunately I have been spared from this misfortunate” further causes guilty feelings, which his mind will quickly replace with the expression of giving “blessing” or “compassion” to avoid sense of guilt.

所以他雖然在祈福和關心,可是那只是表層的部分,內心深處並沒有真的在關心他者,而是在關切自己;或者說,他是透過關切他人的悲傷在關切自己的悲傷,而這個關切自己的念,其實從頭到尾就是被嚇到了,所有反應都是「我好怕這個發生在我身上」的變貌而已。那麼他可能認為自己是在虔誠的發送祝福、送光送愛,然而真正的結果是,他愈是如此想要迴避這份無常,就愈將帶有這份恐怖感的類似事件,更往自己的生命中拉近,也就是自己碰到的機率反而變高了。 In consequence, the blessing and concerns he gives are only on the surface layer, but deep down in his heart he cares about no one but himself. Or, he is concerned about his own sorrow by showing interest in others’ sorrows. And his “thought” to concern about himself is nothing but a good scare from beginning to end. All the reactions are various forms of the fact that “I’m so afraid this will occur to me”. He may consider himself to be piously giving blessings, light and love, though. However, the true result is that the more he wants to avoid such impermanence, the more horrors of this kind will be drawn closer to him. That is, the chance of his encountering misfortune is getting higher.

所以重點是:「念」不是你頭腦「說的話」,而是你的心境「黏」在哪裡?有力量的是後者,而非前者,「吸引力法則」是根據後者而運作的。所謂「正面思考」,經常也是基於害怕某些狀況發生而為的,所以愈是刻意這麼做,相反的事愈容易發生;反而一個能真心接受無常、坦然面對各種可能的人,他的人生比較不會遇到「無常」,他就沒有「無常」的功課。 The point is, “Thoughts” are not what you “Think” in your head, but what your mind “Attaches”? The power lies in the latter, not the former. The Law of Attraction operates on the basis of the latter. The so-called “positive thinking” is often used based on the fear that certain situations may occur. The more deliberately it is applied, the more easily the opposite will happen. Instead, a person who can truly accept impermanence and face all kinds of possibilities will encounter less “impermanence” in his life, and he will have no lesson in “impermanence”.

上述的道理如果深入下去,你不僅會悟到所謂的「人生功課」是怎麼回事?還會明白為什麼往往只有逆向操作才有可能解脫你人生遇到的困境。但若引伸下去篇幅就太長了,留在課堂上解釋,請有緣人可以到課堂上來探討。 With the said reasoning going further, you will not only be enlightened on what the so-called “Life Lessons” are all about, but also understand why only reverse operation can free you from the plight of your life. Further extension, however, will take up too much space. I would keep it for elaboration in class. Please come to class to explore if you feel bound to.

所以通常,人一直在要的東西,就會愈要不到。比如有的人覺得自己很貧窮,他就一直去賺錢,他是在「要富有」,可是他雖然有很多錢了,你會看到他內在還是很貧窮,因為他還在更狠、更用力的去試圖賺更多錢,甚至犧牲健康、良知也在所不惜,這證明無論他要了多少錢,他就是要不到「富有」。 Thus, people tend to keep missing whatever they have been wanting. For example, someone thinks himself to be poor and he always tries to make money; what he wants is “Affluence”. And yet, even with great wealth, you will see his internal poverty. The reason is that he has been trying harder to make more money with more ruthless means, even at the expense of health and conscience. It proves that no matter how much money he wants, he has no “Affluence”.

如果誠實去看自己一天24小時所作所為底下的真正動機,可能會發現我們幾乎都是在「要」,因為「要」什麼所以才去「做」什麼。可是那個「要」的後面就是基於「我沒有」,是根據「我沒有」而去做的,那麼出於「我沒有」而吸引來的「有」,就會一直讓你感覺到「我還是沒有」,所以人類的匱乏感數千年不變,到現在還在受貪婪之苦。 If we honestly look at the real motives behind what we do 24 hours a day, we may find that we are doing nothing but wanting. We “Do” something because we “Want” it. “Want” is based on “I Have Nothing”, and “Do” is accordingly based on “I Have Nothing”. The “Have” drawn to me by “I Have Nothing” will always make me feel that “I Still Have Nothing”. As it is, humans have been wanting for thousands of years, and are still suffering from greed.

那麼,如果你真的想要「富有」,正確的方式是什麼呢? Then, what is the right path if one really wants to have “Affluence”?

就是要從感謝開始,如果你能真的開啟感謝意識,由衷地對生活感到感謝,這就是有了「富有的感覺」,接下來你再透過感謝去反省,調整你做人做事、做生意的方式(就是感謝之後一定要有相應的具體行動),你就會逐漸堆疊出一個「以富有感聚集出來的生活架構」, It must begin with gratitude. If you can really develop your gratitude consciousness and have heartfelt gratitude for life, you will feel having “Affluence”. Next, you examine yourself through gratitude and adjust the way you do with people, things and business. (That is, corresponding action must follow gratitude.) You will gradually build up a “life structure simmering with sense of Affluence”.

當它愈大、愈持續,重力場就愈強,它就會變成一個「富貴的加速器」,把會讓你愈來愈富貴的人事物與智慧(是真的讓你能感到享受的那種),都愈快地吸引過來,於是你的日子真的愈過愈豐盛了,這就是人生能夠倒吃甘蔗的原理。 As it grows and lasts, its gravitational field will become even stronger. It will become an “Affluence Accelerator”, which will quickly attract everyone, everything and the wisdom necessary for your riches and honors. And you will live your life with more and more affluence. This is the principle how living conditions can turn from bad to good.

最後舉個例,來讓大家更清楚: Lastly, let me give another example to make you all know better.

現在有很多網路名嘴,知道要持續受關注的方式,就是要追著時事發表評論,可是很顯然,哪有一個人可以對任何議題都有清楚的研究呢?如果遇到自己不熟悉的領域,這時候他們就面臨抉擇了,對於不清楚的部分是要忽略過去,為了自己想引導的結論而強行拼湊理論、數據,還是先花時間弄清楚再評論?但也許等你弄清楚,那個大家最關切的發文時機點就過去了。 Many big shots in the internet know well that commenting on current events is the way to get eyeballs. But obviously, how can anyone have a clear study on any issue? If they encounter difficulties in unfamiliar realms, they will face a choice——For the parts they are not clear, should they just ignore them and patch up theories and data for their expected conclusions? Or should they spend time for a clearer picture and comment later, with the best timing passing by after they have figured it all out?

好,我們假設有個人,他總是在第一時間發文,搏得大家注意,可是那個內在的「念」,其實都是基於「想發展自己」,也就是「我還不夠、我需要趕快抓住機會」的焦慮感,那麼實際上這樣的念滾出來的人生風景,即便你從外在看,覺得他好像很風光、受矚目、名利雙收,可是其實他的焦慮感不但沒有減少,還會比當年更為加重,那個他吸引來的成功架構,竟是讓他受苦的(所以這樣算成功嗎?)。 Well, let’s assume that someone always posts as soon as possible to get eyeballs. His internal “thoughts” are in fact all based on the anxiety “to develop himself”, which is “I’m not good enough; I need to hurry up to seize the opportunity”. Then the scenery of life rolling out of such thoughts is not a reduction in anxiety, but a worsening condition, even if he seems to have much attention, fame and wealth. The success structure he has attracted turns out to be the one that makes him suffer. (So is this a success?)

可是如果他知覺到這個抉擇的狀態,然後回到「感謝、反省、奉獻」的模式去思考,他就會感覺到:「不行,我做這些的目的,本來是希望真的讓社會更好、更清醒,那我就要提供給別人公允的觀點、寫出扎實的東西,要穩扎穩打的去做才是對的。」於是他會再多徵詢一下事件各造的想法,再多做一些功課,晚一點兒下筆,寫出更成熟、對大家更有提升幫助的東西。那麼他發表以後就會睡得安穩、心裡感覺踏實、喜悅,情緒就不太會被點閱率所牽動。而他多花時間所做的功課也會在未來,變成他更能舉一反三的能力與視野。這樣經營下去,他就會以一種更穩健的方式(伴隨著扎實的成長與真誠)去成功,他就不會愈做愈生病,愈生病就得用愈扭曲的方式去掩飾空虛和維持假象了。 If he is aware of the status of choices and thinks with the formula of “Gratitude, Self-Examination, Devotion”, then he will feel, “No way. Since my purpose is hoping for a more awakening and better society, I will provide to others fair views and write solid things. Being slow and steady is the right thing to do.” Thus, he would consult more opinions of the event, do more research, write later on, and write stuff that is more mature and helpful for general elevation. Then he will sleep soundly after posting his work, feeling certain and joyful. His mood will not be affected too much by the number of hits. And his extra time for the work will turn into his ability and vision for inferences in the future. By doing so, he will become successful in a steady manner (along with solid growth and sincerity). He would not fall sick due to more work. The more ill one becomes, the more twisted means one will need to hide emptiness and maintain illusion.

可是這種抉擇,是存在於很私密的一念之間,你如果要用頭腦來告訴自己或別人,你是對的,你是因為善念、因為使命感…這也是很容易掩飾過去的。可是「心念」(在意念重力場裡)的因果,是物理的、是現實的,不是飄渺的;念之所在,即是重力場之所在,結果不會從別處堆疊起來,只會從你的念之所起。「因果」,真是最能「直指人心」的! But the choice is made with your thoughts so private that if you tell yourself or others with what you think in your head——that is, you are doing the right thing and you do it out of good thoughts, or sense of purpose……to draw a veil over it is nothing difficult. But the Cause & Effect of the “Mind”(in the gravitational field of thoughts) is physical and realistic, not ethereal. Where there is a thought, there is a gravitational field. Results come from nowhere but the rise of your thoughts. Nothing “instantly reveals human minds” like “Cause & Effect”!

PS:有關「時間」、「空間」以及「重力」的本質,請參考「都可以,就是大覺醒」一書(商周出版),第二章「超越時空的自由」。 PS: Regarding the nature of “Time”, “Space” and “Gravitation”, please refer to “Chapter II: Freedom Beyond Time and Space” of Anything Goes——The Great Awakening published by Business Weekly Group.

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